Friday, August 7, 2009

Do you still think Obamas BAIL OUT PLANS are just a one time deal or every year until the BUSH mass evaporates?

Do you still think Obamas BAIL OUT PLANS are just a one time deal or every year until the BUSH mass evaporates?
Dino, you are blaming Bush for the lack of oversight from Congress, the policies of the Carter and Clinton administrations, and the lack of cooperation from his own party. Now he is not all in the clear, but this mess is not from Bush alone. There were many factors creating this problem and most of it, probably 99% of it comes from the liberal socialist democrats in the White House and Congress.

If you remove government from the private sector, you wind up with a very strong and robust economy. That is simply a fact.
Reply:Well for starters if you think that this is Bush's mass(mess) you're wrong from the beginning, it certainly wasn't just him ! The stimulus package as it stands won't be once a year more like every quarter, there is no stimulus in thee just pork . Until the American middle class taxpayer is comfortable with the economy things won't get better! Let's face they are the ones who pay there taxes and spend money. They have added one good plan, they are intending to give a rebate to people who buy a car and let them take the interest off there taxes, like you do on your home loan. That will big a big plus for middle class people. We shouldn't swallow this one the way it is .
Reply:Ask yourself, is this really the Presidents fault? Is Bush the only President to offer aid to stimulate the economy?

Will you people ever get over Bush, just like others were asked to get over Clinton. Do you know that Bush is not longer in the White House and that the President is Obama?
Reply:This package aint going to big corps- Most if goes for PORK! 25% it Wealfare checks.
scientific name

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