The laptop cost me a little less than $500.
I am planning to give my gf of one year a laptop for her b-day and valentines. Is that too much of a gift?
No it's not too much. My boyfriend was going to do the same for Christmas but my parents bought me one instead. As long as the relationship is loving and mutual, then go for it! She's a very lucky girl.
Reply:That is a lot of money to spend on someone unless you are in a serious committed relationship. You don't say how old you are, but I would think that would be more of a fiance gift than just a gf gift.
The only way it wouldn't seem a little odd to me would be if you are much wealthier than she, and she really needs a laptop for school or work. Otherwise I'd be a little uncomfortable with it.
Reply:you ask if that is too much of a gift.. Well how long have you been dating? If you really love her and you feel this is the real thing. Why not... if you can financially do it. Unless you are having doubts about the relationship. I say if you love her and you know she feels the same go for it. If you are having doubts, than I say listen to your inner voice.
lol me and my boyfriends first christmas he bought me a dimond (real) circle of life pendent and gold chain.... we had only been dating two months ... that necklace is a good 700-1000 dollars. still have it on my neck to this day.... that was three years ago =]
Lets just say she will love it =]
Reply:Yes it is to much, you do not want to over whelm her. Also dont you want her to be with you because she loves you. You do not want her to be with you because she loves what you get her.
Reply:Depends on how much money you have, hahaha.
But I don't think it's too much...
It definitely shows that you love her. (:
Make it all pretty on the inside, too.
She should like that!
Reply:i think its sweet its a gift she cn always use much better than roses and candy or a stuffed anmial so yes i think for a combo gift its great
Reply:No, that's not too much, as long as she knows you're doing something nice so she doesn't feel bad if she only got you some candy and a card for $20
Reply:yes, how do you know that the relationship will last.
if something doesn't work out do you really want to have given her a laptop even if its less than $500
Reply:Regardless of price, you shouldn't buy one gift for two occasions. You could give her the laptop for her birthday, and something less expensive (but much more romantic) for Valentine's Day.
Reply:na its not....its good...but maybe also do at least flowers and candies....laptops would be more of a birthday gift...but i would love to get a laptop
Reply:That's a really good idea. If it was one or two months it would be way to much but one year is fine.
Reply:Of course not. The Bigger, the better. But Maybe Some roses, too. Just to spice up valentines day.
Reply:If its for valentines day and her b day than its fine..... im sure she will love it and be so surprized
Reply:If you haven't gotten none from her then yes its to much but if you bagged her a couple of times then go ahead..
Reply:It would depend how long and how serious yu guys have been together bubt i think she would love it=)
Reply:Well how long u guys been going out??? if more than a year.. yeah good gift...if u have less than a year..ummm make sure u have that kind of $$ to spent....
Reply:umm im not too sure, kinda i guess. But do what your heart tells you to do. No one can really judge this because everyone's love and feelings are different
Reply:I say if you have over at least 900$ than sure buy her/him the computer.
Reply:that's good, im sure she'll be happy. make it all cutsy inside, im sure she'd be giggly all night if you do...
Reply:You know, with that money, you could get her something WAY more romantic.
Reply:I think it's a pretty good call by you.
Reply:If you love her that much, then that is fine.
Reply:hey, dude I think that's pretty cool she would be able to use it more then a piece of jewelery.
Reply:It depends how much money you have, and what you two have gone through in the past.
Reply:yes its way too much its only been a year! try the traditional roses
Reply:No, as long as ur heart is in it %26amp; money does not matter.
Reply:no, if i was your girlfriend i'd love it. =]
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