Sunday, August 9, 2009

I have a wife and a one year old son, and i am planning on joining the national guard.?


this is my situation,i am 18 years old and i have a wife and a one year old son,an i been wanting to join the national guard,but now that i have a family its hard for me.the resons i want to join are the following; diciplin,geting in shape,getting away for a while and the expirience. i am currently confused,i feel like i need to get away and i feel this is a good way to do it. i just hope i do not do the wrong decition, can someone tell me if it is worth it? or should i just stay home? plz help me!
I have a wife and a one year old son, and i am planning on joining the national guard.?
Thing is you will just get away for a bit and then you will return to the same life. Nothing wrong with that at all. But what will happen is that you get in, see life and wish you had gone active.

18, wife and a child? I would just go active as you will get better job offers when signing. You, your family, the future and all will be all set.
Reply:This is a personal decsion...

Honestly it was the best and smartest thing I have ever done. I was not a parent at the time I joined but a young 18 year old who thought of nothing but myself.

I now have a family, a career, friends that I will keep for a lifetime, and the respect of my peers. I don't think I could ask for more.

I have been deployed and it is tough but I just look at the pay off when I can receive my 20 year letter and say that I didn't quit this.

Unlike some of my friends I have job security and that is a huge thing in this day and time.
Reply:its all up to you, its your choice, look at all your options and if its something you really want to do then go for it, just expect you might be deployed and spend a lot of time away from home and your family. Good Luck.
name common

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