Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I am writing an home education plan for 14 year old, i need help in writing one and writing education goals?

The young person has been out of school for 2 years and is just below average or average ability for most skills. The education plan needs to focus on practical skills and as well as basic education. can any one guide me to online resources to guide my writing and implemention of the plan. Thank you
I am writing an home education plan for 14 year old, i need help in writing one and writing education goals?
When I homeschooled my son, more than any other subject, I wanted to teach him a love of learning and give him an interest in discovering new things on his own. If you can accomplish this then it will be of more help to your 14 year old than any specific skill you could teach him. I suggest that in the beginning of your homeschooling adventure you base your learning plan completely on his interests. People of any age are more motivated to learn about things that interest them. For example... if what he likes is video games then start him reading and researching cheat codes on his favorite games. This doesn't sound like work but it will improve his reading and his internet research skills. You can take it farther by having him put together a paper telling you why this is the best game out there or whatever topic you choose. While he is enjoying the subject material he is also improving his writing and even possibly his critical thinking skills. Simple math skills can be taught using ordinary household chores. Baking a batch of cookies and other recipies can be used to teach fractions and measurements. Helping with household finances by writing checks, researching how much it would cost for an 18 year old to live in their own apartment and helping clip coupons and shop within the family food budget are all things I used as life skills and math lessons for my homeschooled son. I would suggest you look for various ways such as these to 'unschool' your 14 year old and only use a prepared cirruculum as a reference guide for yourself. Good luck and enjoy yourself! Homeschooling can be a lot of fun.

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